Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Painting the Exterior!

The weekend following the 4th of July was a big one for us...painting! We tried out 4 different samples on the side of the house, and after MUCH deliberation, I chose "mega greige" (which is the sample on the far right out of the 4). We got to the paint store, and the guy heard me wrong-and made the whole batch to be "perfect greige" (the one on the right directly below). I thought it was karma for thinking so hard about this decision, then the paint guy just handing us a different color...

perfect greige is left of the window, mega greige is the far right...I'm really happy with both...thank God. 

My dad came over to help :) my mom came over that afternoon with Annie and we...watched. 

This was the progress for Saturday! We ordered pizza and called it a night.
John began painting Sunday morning while I went and looked at the wedding venue :)

Yep, the back isn't painted. Soon enough...

Quite a difference though!

And part of the side deck isn't done either. It will be painted once we clean up this area

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